Alcohol and the Human Body National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

Through the ages, alcoholism has been undisputedly maintaining its position in the list of risk factors for preventable diseases in the world. According to a WHO report, 5.3% of all deaths that occurred worldwide in the year 2016 were because of harmful alcohol use [1]. It is the main culprit behind the advancing nature of […]

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How Long After Drinking Can You Drive Safely?

Driving while under the influence of alcohol not only endangers your life, but also those of others on the road. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that each person reacts differently to alcohol. Alcohol consumption impairs judgment, reaction time, vision, coordination, and concentration – all crucial for safe driving. Driving under the influence can […]

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Alcohol and Anger: Symptoms and Management

If drinking causes a blackout, you may not even remember being aggressive unless someone reminds you about it. By perpetuating such behavior, people can end up damaging meaningful relationships — yet another effect of alcohol-based aggression. Becoming angry or irritable when you drink is a relatively common experience — an often-cited body of research by […]

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Overdose and Homelessness Why We Need to Talk About Housing Health Disparities

Along with medical and mental health treatments, the following are steps you can take to help overcome substance use disorder. Another one of the most important ways to support recovery is to understand that multiple relapses over a number of years are typically part of the process. They are not occasion for blame or despair […]

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Celebrities Who Do Drugs: 30 Famous Actors Who Battled Addiction

He instead looks at it as part of his health journey and a battle that you can overcome with professional help. Following an overdose in 2018, Lovato has been working on their recovery, stating that inpatient addiction treatment and meditation have been a massive help with her sobriety. “These are pictures from huge moments in life where […]

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